Today’s Reading:
Psalm 1
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law (His precepts and teachings) he (habitually) meditates day and night.” ( Psalm 1:2)

Fruitfulness means to be full of fruit. It could also mean developing virtues, good deeds or spiritual growth. It means to make an impact, to affect lives positively, to bring forth a result that lasts. Fruitfulness in the kingdom is not negotiable as far as God is concerned. For any tree that does not produce fruit, he cuts them down. While prosperity emphasizes spiritual growth, well-being and a deep connection with God. Fruitfulness and prosperity go together in our walk with God.
In the passage before us, Psalm 1 is one of the most popular Psalms, possibly after Psalm 23. It contains only six verses, which state the contrast between the righteous and the ungodly, but looking at verse two, which is our focus. The importance of God’s word cannot be overemphasized in living a righteous life, pleasing God and bringing forth fruits. Two things were mentioned in that verse, which an individual who wants to be fruitful and prosperous must do. One, to delight in God’s word. It means to have passion and pleasure in God’s word. Such a person doesn’t rest daily until he drinks from the well of the word of God. He sees the word as life and without it the day is not complete. The word of God is so precious that nothing can replace it. No decision can be taken without the Word. Every life is connected to the Word. How fruitful and prosperous a child of God will be is directly proportional to the depth of God’s word in that life. You can’t come in contact with someone who spends time with God’s word and not tap something of eternal value from them because they carry the aroma of God’s word.
Two, meditate on God’s word. Meditation goes beyond reading the scriptures alone, in fact it goes beyond memorizing (having the word in one’s head). Meditate is from the Hebrew word hagah, which means to meditate deeply, deep reflection, contemplation or murmuring God’s word, to recite under one’s breath, as in repeatedly thinking or speaking scripture. It also means to growl or roar. It is used to describe a lion growling over its prey, symbolising intensity and focus. The same word is used in Joshua 1:8. You can never be a fruitful and prosperous Christian if you don’t bury your life through delight and meditation in God’s word. We are in a corrupt world and the only antidote to staying pure is by constantly regurgitating His word. The Devil would have finished our Lord if not for the Word.
Joshua too was instructed to meditate on it day and night because therein is the success of the assignment given to him. Friends, prayer is good, praises are wonderful, but the place of the word of God is not negotiable. The scripture calls it the Sword of the Spirit. Both the spoken and written word are needed to stand firm and bring forth fruit in this end time. The question is how much of the word of God do you have within? Start meditating and start bringing forth fruit and prosper.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.” If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
1. Whatever is taking the place of the word of God in my life, give way in Jesus name.
2. Oh Lord, create in me a new heart for your word.
3. May I not rest daily without spending time with your word in Jesus' name.
4. Ignite my spirit man to meditate on your Word daily in Jesus name.