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Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Readings:

Ephesians 6:10-20

Psalm 144:1-2,9-10

Luke 13:31-35


A Latin saying, “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum” translated into English as “If You Want Peace, Prepare For War." Saint Paul states it differently, “Put God’s armour on to resist the devil’s tactics” (Ephesians 6:11). We live in a generation that wants peace without working for it. We want to live in security, serenity, wealth and well-being—we want the world to be 'soft' for us without any sacrifice. This world is not for that. Not because the world is evil but because the malice of the Devil will not allow the children of God to sit pretty and hope that everything will fall into their laps. To win the battle for your soul, you must be violent against evil and seize your victory by force (Matthew 11:12).

Saint Paul prescribes how we can entrench true peace. What is it? PUTTING ON THE ARMOUR OF GOD. This armour will help us evade the Devil’s plan of making us settle for the false sense of peace in this world. We are not of this world. We are made for heaven. This world is just a passageway leading us to God. We are from God and we are returning to Him. Why do we need this armour? We are fighting a spiritual battle against Sovereignties (Principalities) and Powers; these are spiritual beings. Recently, I reflected on the nine choirs of angels. The angels who fell from glory are “demons” and they are members of the nine choirs of angels. Principalities are territorial beings. Powers are warrior spirits. If this is a battle, what should we fight with?

  • Truth as your belt —Tell the truth always. Those who promote falsehood and tell lies expose themselves to the enemy and become his foot soldiers.

  • Integrity as your breastplate —Be a person of your word and avoid scandal by your way of life. If you are light, stay in the light and avoid the works of darkness and iniquity (Matthew 5:14-16).

  • Eagerness to Spread the Gospel of peace in your shoes. Your daily work should be done for and in union with God. Others should have an example of holiness in action by your way of life. Be self-controlled as a single person. Be faithful to your spouse if you are married. Be obedient to your parents as a child. Be excellent at your work as a craftsperson or employee. Let your good works bear witness to God.

  • Carry the shield of faith to help you put out the burning arrows of the evil one. There is no arrow worse than faithlessness and fear. When situations threaten us, faith alone can keep us afloat.

  • Make salvation your helmet —You have already received salvation through Baptism. The Holy Spirit strengthens you further in Confirmation. Christ constantly nourishes you in the Eucharist. God reconciles you in Confession and renews you in Eucharistic Adoration. Your prayers and spirituality also nourish and strengthen you to stand firm.

  • Make the Word of God your sword —Most people fall away or stay in bondage because God’s word is not in them. Without God’s word, you are floating like vapour.

These are indispensable weapons of our time. To survive as a Christian, you must empty yourself of vice, selfishness and laziness and clothe yourself in virtue, and spirituality and be battle-ready. Do this as long as you live. Jesus says, "Learn that today and tomorrow I cast out devils and on the third day attain my end" (Luke 13:32). And Saint Paul adds, "Pray all the time, asking for what you need, praying in the Spirit on every possible occasion" (Ephesians 6:18).

                                                                                    JUDE-MARY OWOH


To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”

 If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. Lord, I consecrate to You, this day, my prayers, joys, and sufferings for all the intentions of Your Divine Heart. I shall have this day only once, and it will be gone. Help me to make use of the graces and opportunities that will come my way today, so that all my thoughts, words and actions may be pleasing to You. Amen.

  2. May God liberate me from every form of darkness by the power of the Holy Spirit and strengthen me to do battle against sin, selfishness and evil. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am victorious in Jesus' name. Amen.

  3. May God grant me true and lasting peace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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