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Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Reading:

Psalm 128:1-6

“Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways” (v. 1)


It is common knowledge that mankind dreads “fear”, both young and old, because it is a painful emotion brought about by danger; it is an alarm; anxiety; risk; awe. However, the fear of the Lord is known as piety (devoutness, dutifulness) towards God. It is said to be a continual submission to God in humility and faith, and consists of a hatred of evil and the desire to turn away from it (Prov. 8:13) or depart from it (Prov. 16:6). The scripture is full of admonition to fear God/the Lord, and also closely related is to keep his commandments (Ecc. 12:13). The preacher in Prov. 9:10, pinpoints that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and so also the Psalmist in Ps. 111:10. Moses encouraged the children of Israel in Ex. 20:20, that if the fear of God was before them, they would be kept from sinning. The act of the fear of God involves giving him undivided attention and unrivalled awe. It is being in reverent awe of his holiness and complete honour to him, as the great God of creation and mankind. The fear of the Lord creates a deep desire to obey and please him above everything, and never wanting to make him angry or disappoint him. The scripture is full, from beginning to end, of examples of those who feared the Lord God. These include: Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Mary the mother of Jesus, the Apostle Paul and the first century church true believers.

Some of the characteristics of those who feared the Lord in the scripture include: having the zeal for the fear of the Lord all day (Prov. 23:17); did not let their hearts envy sinners (v 17a); drew near and enjoyed intimacy with him; honoured his word; lived holy lives, exhibited faith – did whatever He said, no matter what, without doubting; never spoke negative words or disrespectfully about God before men, no matter what happened; generally not moved by sight, but by faith.

Very many blessings and rewards accrue to those who fear the Lord. In our Today’s reading in v.1, it is confirmed that everyone who fears the Lord is blessed. Also in v.4 is the assurance that such a man be blessed who fears the Lord. In v.2, it is said that when the man eats of the labour of his hands, he shall be happy and it will be well with him. Beyond him, it is said that his wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the heart of his house, and his children shall be like a fruitful vine in the heart of his table. He would even see his children’s children.

Some other benefits include: having wisdom and knowledge (Prov. 1:7,9,10, 15:33); entitled to riches, honour and life (Prov. 22:4); prolonged days/life (Prov. 10:27); the secret of the Lord is with him, he is shown the Lord’s covenant (Ps.25:14) and he is the Lord’s confident; he is blessed (Ps 112:1); she is praised (Prov. 31:30); will lack nothing, and there will be no want in his life (Ps. 34:9); the Lord will have pity on him (Ps. 103:13); the mercy of the Lord which is from everlasting to everlasting is on him, and his righteousness to his children’s children (Ps 103:17); the Lord takes pleasure (delighted) with him (Ps 147:11); and God’s eye is on him (Ps.33:18).

Given that there are numerous blessings and benefits earmarked for those who fear the Lord, it is, therefore, wise to know how to fear him. Firstly, one has to have a relationship with Him before he can be feared. By accepting his Son, Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, one becomes born again and automatically enters into a relationship with them. As the Christian walk begins with them, one will learn how to fear God. These include: keeping in line with his word and specifically, his will; listening to his instructions and being open to carrying them out; delighting in him and his commandments; trusting in him and for all things; hoping in his unfailing love; serving him and others in love, and so on.

Consequences of not fearing the Lord are negative and numerous, being the opposites of the benefits. The devil takes advantage of those who do not fear the Lord by using and making them do what is not right, disrespectful, evil, contrary to the good things of God and ultimately to their destruction. Beware!!!

                                                                        CHRISTIE KUPOLUYI


To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud: “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank You Lord.” Congratulations!

Prayerfully look for a living church and report to the resident pastor or priest.



1.      Father in heaven, we thank you for the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

2.      Father dear, please teach us and put your fear into our hearts, as they belong to you.

3.      Gracious Lord, shower on us all the blessings and rewards of fearing You.

4.      Oh Father, please teach the leaders of the church to fear you and also the followers too.

5.      Oh Lord, let your fear be in the hearts of the nation’s leaders, so they can lead aright.

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