Today’s Reading:
Luke 14: 28-30
“But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first getting estimates and then checking to see if he has enough money to pay the bills.”
(v. 28 TLB)
Building a godly home comes with a price tag and anyone who wants it must be ready to pay for it. Good or rather Christian marriage doesn’t just happen by miracles or prayers alone, there are a whole lot of ingredients that must be put together to make it sweet. Some of such ingredients are:
Accept Your Spouse: “God gives me the serenity to accept things which can’t be changed. Give me the courage to change things which must be changed and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.” Some things will change about your spouse while some things may not change but must be accepted, so you need God’s wisdom to know the difference. Accepting one’s spouse will help to appreciate the partner and stop comparing him/her with another person.
Correct in Love: Spouses are not to correct their partner in public, as it becomes an insult which may aggravate issues. Also, statements used when correcting should be thought through, so the person being corrected will see it as correction and not rebuke.
Avoid Marriage Intruders: These are rumour-mongers. They spread false information to one of the partners thereby breeding hatred between couples. Any information heard must be properly checked before acting upon it. Also, couples must trust each other so that people will not come between them.
Empower Your Wife: A good man should carry his wife along as he climbs the career ladder or other endeavours in life. If the gap between the spouses is much it will affect the marriage. I have seen a situation where the husband is a PhD holder while the wife could not speak English, this is not too good. Husbands should empower their wives in all aspects so that when the man is down, he will have someone to fall back on. Forget Past MistakesGoing over past mistakes or offences is a cancer that eats the fabric of Christian homes. To experience peace at home, couples should learn to forgive and forgive sincerely without making references to their mistakes now and then.
Help Your Wife with Chores: Some men believe that traditionally women should do all the chores without any assistance. As a Christian, you need to assist your spouse around the house, so that the woman will not be worn out. Even if there is a house help, there are still other things you can help your wife with, you may need to ask your spouse the kind of help he/she needs.
Nurture Your Marriage: Show interest in what interests your spouse. Plan together, create time to talk, walk together, and hold hands not only during prayers but also make it a habit as this creates intimacy.
Openness: Keeping secrets is not good in a Christian marriage. Not knowing your spouse’s salary, ATM PIN and other personal issues must not be heard among believers, since the Bible says the two shall become one.
Pray For and With Your Spouse: When you pray for your spouse, it helps them to overcome temptations and become a better person and when you pray together, it brings intimacy. It will be difficult or even impossible to hate your spouse when you are praying for and with them sincerely.
Romance: Someone said romance in marriage is doing the normal things to your spouse in a special way. When you buy gifts for your spouse, put them in a place where they can easily see it not just handing it over to them. Tickle your spouse, looking into their eyeball, helping cut nails, bath together, placing heads on each other’s lap, hugging, and kissing among other things should characterise a Christian marriage.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fulness; The world and those who dwell therein.
Lord, regarding the work of my hand, empower and encourage me to always work in the spirit and not from the motive of the flesh, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, walk amid marriages with challenges with your mercy and power, especially Christian homes, and return your peace, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, walk amid our children and deliver them from peer pressure and the evil systems of this world, in Jesus’ name.