Today’s Reading:
II Thessalonians 1:3-12
“We are always bound to thank God for you, brethren as it is fitting because your faith grows exceedingly and the love of every one of you all toward one another abounds.”
(II Thessalonians 1:3)
Paul is popularly known as the author of I & II Thessalonians but the pronoun ‘we’ in some of the verses especially in verse 3 which is our focal point, is pointing to these three Apostles (Paul, Silas and Timothy) who worked among the church in Thessalonica. These three Apostles thanked God for the lives of Thessalonians. The first personal question that came to my mind as I wrote this piece is can anyone thank God for my life? Thanking God for someone’s life means that the life is impactful, and such a life is worthy of emulation. That individual is living a life of integrity. His/her secret life is the same as the public life. He/She teaches what he preaches and vice versa. In such life, one can see Jesus. That person would not do what Jesus would not do. A life that is consistently lived based on the Word of God. Such a life must have been tested and passed.
Possibly tested with opposite sex, money and position yet remain consistent in his/her way of life. Thanking God for someone’s life in our generation is difficult to come by. Titles have been mesmerised, integrity soiled and the name of Christ has been put into disrepute, because of the lives of those who call themselves Christians but are not. What is it you are doing that someone somewhere can thank God for? You need to pursue and put your life on the scale of God’s Word. Hope heaven is not saying that your life is MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN? Daniel 5:25.
In that verse 3, two things are worthy of note, that they thank God for. And they are: their faith grows exceedingly and the love of everyone toward one another abounds.
Growing faith exceedingly: these Christians continued to grow spiritually in the grace and knowledge of Jesus (II Peter 3; 18, I Thess. 1:2). Their faith in God was manifested by their zealous work. They were Christians who did not stagnate. They continued to grow in their walk with God. Their level of trust in God grew deeper day by day. When you come in contact with such people, their utterances never betray their way of life. They have a good rapport among Christians and outsiders, like the elders mentioned in Hebrews 11:2. When you receive counsel from such Christians you will see the depth of their knowledge of the scriptures. Their prayer life was never once upon a time. They are aglow and ablaze for God. Friends, are you growing in your faith in God exceedingly like the Thessalonians brethren?
The love of every one of them abounds or increases. One of the evidences of Christ's indwelling among brethren is love (John 13:35). But the question is: does genuine love exist among brethren? Love endures, forgives and encourages. How you can tolerate people is directly proportional to your love life. You can’t claim your love and find it difficult to forgive. Love permeates the life of people; it is not just about feeling but commitment. Can you go the extra mile for people without any benefit?
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Search me Oh Lord and point out any iniquity in me in Jesus’ name.
Give me a heart that loves like Jesus, as I relate with difficult and unlovable people, both in the church and everywhere I find myself in Jesus’ name.
Let the agape love of Christ be restored among the brethren in Jesus’ name.
Take me deeper Lord Jesus in my faith and walk with you in Jesus’ name.