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Writer's picture: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s Readings:

Rev 4:1-11; Psalm 150

Luke 19:11-28


You are designed to praise God with your mind, heart, talents, gifts, and resources, with all that you are —your entire being (spirit, soul and body). And you will not find peace, joy or rest anywhere else apart from praising God. In John’s vision, he sees God on His throne: Round the throne in a circle were twenty-four thrones, and on them, I saw twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white robes with golden crowns on their heads…and in front of the throne seven flaming lamps were burning, the seven Spirits of God…In the centre, were four animals…Each of the four animals had six wings and had eyes round as well as inside; and day and night they never stopped singing, ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; he was, he is and he is to come’ (Revelation 4:4-8).

The chant of these heavenly creatures are the words we say at Mass, the Sanctus (“Holy, holy”). While this will be our destiny in heaven for all eternity, here on earth these words of praise must be reflected in everything we think about, say and do, in every relationship we enter. Every single moment of our day with every breath in our lungs (your breathing in and out), we ought to be praising God. From your stepping out of your house until you return, from the very first hello you say to people to your goodbye, every single word and every atom of action in you ought to be praise added to the symphony of praises that all creation raises to heaven every day. If you are not doing this, I am sorry you have missed the point and your fate will be that of the third servant who received a talent from his master.

The first two servants used their master’s talent well and made profits, and their master rewarded them with greater responsibilities. The third refused to use his and even insulted his master for giving him an opportunity: “Sir, here is your pound. I put it away safely in a piece of linen because I was afraid of you; for you are an exacting man: you pick up what you have not put down and reap what you have not sown” (Luke 19:20,21). When we refuse to use God’s gifts to us to praise and thank Him, we insult him because we tell Him, you do not know what you are doing. This is ingratitude in full display.

What can you do today to praise God?

  • Bloom where you are planted —in school, workplace, home, boardroom, office, kitchen, restaurant, theatre, movie set, construction firm, government house (public service), where you are in your primary constituency (territory) of praise.

  • Know your gift —realising that you are gifted arms you for service to your neighbour, for building up and lifting your community; the Church, and our society where without your gifts, we will have decay and destruction. The problem with our society is not a shortage of gifted people but a preponderance of selfish people.

  • Consistency —You are called to praise God daily, consistently, without fear or favour. Every moment and every occasion are opportunities to praise God. Pain, doubt and failure are not stumbling blocks but stepping stones of praise to God. Praise God through your pain and you shall smile in the end.

  • Be Intentional —Look out for things and situations that need to be fixed. Do not wait until things have gone bad beyond repair before you do what is right. It might be to correct a wrong impression to speak up against error, admonish your spouse or child, or affirm your friend or worker. Be intentional in the way you relate with people.

No matter where you are, use your gifts to serve. Be a good parent, single person, a good student, a good athlete, a craftsperson, a good actor, each of us have a role to play by using our gifts to praise God.

                                                                                    JUDE-MARY OWOH


To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”

If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. May God continue to bless and strengthen me always.

  2. May God who has gifted me, continue to bless me, grant me increase and give me greater tasks to bring me before kings and queens; so that I may lead my world to a time of revival, renewal and restoration, to the glory of God through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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