Today’s Readings:
Ezekiel 18:21-28;
Psalm 130;
Matthew 5:20-26
EVIL PEOPLE DO NOT DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE. They have done unspeakable things. They have hurt people. They have dispossessed people of their belongings, maimed and killed so many. They have also stolen public funds and rigged elections. They deserve the wrath of God. But it is not as simple as that?
WHO IS EVIL? Everyone who has done anything contrary to God’s law, especially the law of love. It does not matter if this evil is as small as using swear words or as big as taking someone’s life. In the eyes of God, we are all evil. Our consolation lies in the words of the Psalmist: If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive? But with you is found forgiveness: for this we revere you.” - Psalm 130:3,4 GOD DOES NOT DESIRE THE DEATH OF ANYONE. He created each person and only wants the best for us. A parent will do all in their power to raise their child to be responsible first to themselves and then for others. God desires this even more for each of us. He continues to warn us through the words of the prophets: “If the wicked man renounces all the sins he has committed, respects my laws and is law-abiding and honest, he will certainly live; he will not die.” (Ezekiel 18:21)
IF YOU REPENT OF THE EVIL YOU HAVE DONE, you will be saved from the just wrath of God which demands the debt of evil to be paid. So, go to confession and return to the practice of the faith. Allow neither malice nor attachment to any sin prevent you from receiving the free gift of grace which God readily pours out on us. “Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and that the Lord God of hosts may really be with you” (Amos 5:14).
SINCE ALL HAVE SINNED and fallen short of God’s glory, let us be slow to condemn others. Pray for their conversion instead. This way, our righteousness shall exceed those of the Pharisees of our world who demand vengeance while remaining hypocritical in their ways. I PRAY THAT YOU TAKE GOD SERIOUSLY. I pray that your relationship with God is more important than your gossip about evil people. Use the opportunity of this new day to reconcile with God, seek reconciliation with your neighbour and make peace with everyone.
O God our help in ages past, You are our hope in the years to come, in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for the salvation or our souls, in Jesus name.
I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me.
Lord, heal me of the evil of self-righteousness and vengeance, in Jesus name.
Help me to build and maintain my relationship with You and to put You first in all things, in Jesus name.
Lord let there be peace that passes all understanding in Christian homes, in Jesus name.
Lord, give us God-fearing leaders in our nation and move the country forward, in Jesus name. Amen.