“Then Mary took about half a litre of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” ( v.3)
The way you perceive God will to a large extent determine how you give and what you give to Him. If you see God as a beggar or stranger, you may give to Him without thinking through your giving. On the other hand, if God is seen as the owner of all things Psalm 24:1, then nothing will be too precious or difficult to release to Him. Mary gave her best as a mark of appreciation to the one who redeemed and saved her soul. She did not consider her belonging more important to Jesus. She also believed that whoever owes your life controls whatever you have. No wonder against criticism by one of the disciples towards Mary’s generosity; Jesus rebuked the disciple and appreciated her because to Jesus, her giving was prophetic. Mary’s gift was so expensive that some Biblical scholars believed that the amount used worth a year’s wages.
How faithful and committed is your giving to God? If God is to appraise your faithfulness in giving your tithes and offering how will He rate you? Is your giving willingly and cheerfully or you are being forced to give to God what belongs to Him? “For God love a cheerful giver”2 Corinthians 9:7. Like Mary did to Jesus, God is expecting from you a remarkable act of kindness to a neighbour, members of God’s household, friends and unbelievers in your community.
If God can give His only begotten Son to us, then, nothing should be too difficult to give back to Him. Opportunity to give should be seen as a privilege and act of grace rather than favour 2 Corinthians 8:4, 6. God needs the best of your time, talents, gift, influence, and resources. Apostle Paul also emphasis that the purpose of giving is not just to meet a desperate need rather it is an opportunity for the giver to have something credited to his heavenly bank account Philippians 4:17.
However, to give your best to God requires that you first give yourself to Him. This will awaken your consciousness that: (i) You do not own anything (ii) You are just a steward (iii) God is the owner of all things (iv) You will be accountable for the use of God’s endowment with you. You brought nothing to the world, and you will take nothing out of it. The time to give your best to God in now, repent of your selfishness and surrender your life to its owner.
1. Father take my life and let it be consecrated to you, in Jesus name.
2. Father consecrate the heart of every believer to give willingly and
generously towards your work, in Jesus name.
3. Father constantly give me the consciousness that my life is not my own, in
Jesus name.
4. Father let your church continue to enjoy the benefits of open heaven, in
Jesus name.
5. Father, deal with every person disturbing the peace of Nigeria, in Jesus