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Writer: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe

Today’s Readings:

2 Samuel 7:1-5,8-12,14,16

Psalm 89:2-5,27,29

Luke 1:67-79


On this Christmas Eve, we have the Gospel reading taken from Luke 1:69-79 which is the Benedictus (the Song of Zechariah). There is a part of it that strikes me every time I read it and it says:

  • And you, little child,

  • you shall be called Prophet of the Most High,

  • for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way for him,

  • to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins;

  • this by the tender mercy of our God who from on high will bring the rising Sun to visit us,

  • to give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death

  • and to guide our feet into the way of peace.’ (emphasis mine)

This can be said of you and me. Our lives ought to point others to Christ. Do not say, “I am not a very spiritual person,” “I am not a religious person”. Nobody is born with a halo on their head. Each of us is born with God’s grace upon our life. The celebration of Christ will help you refocus your mind on doing what God has placed you on earth to do.

Here are a few ways to get more out of Christ:

  • Celebrate the celebrant of Christmas, Christ Himself.

  • Go to confession and receive Communion during the Christmas season.

  • Forgive those who have hurt and offended you.

  • Call someone you have not spoken to in a while and wish them a blessed season.

  • Spend time with family and away from social media.

  • Give something to the poor—especially things collecting dust in your wardrobe.

  • Don’t end Christmas on the 25th or 26th—celebrate the whole season.

  • Carry the celebration of Christmas into the new year and beyond.



To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”

If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.



  1. May God help you to realise that where you are is a place meant for you to lead others to God.

  2. May God bless you and prosper you and keep you safe in mind and body through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  3. May the love, grace and peace of the soon-be-born King of the World. Rule over your heart, body and soul and fill you with everlasting life. Amen.



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