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Writer's pictureOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



Today’s Readings:

Colossians 1:9-14

Psalm 98:2-6

Luke 5:1-11


I had a random conversation with some interns recently about the need to stay safe in these times, especially in the aftermath of the Supreme Court electoral ruling. They joked that if anyone tried to kill them, they would beg the person saying, “Abeg no kee me, I neva blow”. In their own words, fame is the goal of life. While they all laughed it off, I teased them with a question, “Will it make a difference if you die famous?” What shall it profit you to be famous and lose your soul? There is a part of us that longs for immortality. We want people to know our name and remember us. The foolishness of our desire is confirmed in the reality that over time, people forget. And those who knew how good you were will no longer be there to celebrate your goodness, so long as it is just temporal good.

But if we live the kind of life that God expects of us and because we die in a state of grace, we will live forever. This is what we learn from the saints. They will never be forgotten. Saint Paul, Saint Peter, the Apostles, Mary Magdalene, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints who have lived for God all through the ages, are in heaven and continue to live in our memories because they lived for Someone bigger than themselves. If you live for yourself and your satisfaction, you are living a very myopic and narrow-minded life. If you live for something and Someone bigger than yourself, in this case, God, you will live forever.

What should you do?

  • Pray for wisdom – to see what is good and chase after it while running away from all that is evil.

  • Pray for Spiritual Understanding – to give 100% of yourself to a relationship with God and live for Him as your ultimate concern.

  • Desire Holiness – so that you live the kind of life that God expects of you (free from sin and selfishness).

  • Serve – Most people who desire fame only desire to please themselves. Those who will be remembered are those who served and met people’s needs.

  • Seek Supernatural Strength – to endure difficulty resist temptation and remain joyful no matter what comes your way.

The truest version of belonging to the Hall of Fame is being a saint, sharing the company of the saints who are united with God who lives forever. Peter experienced a foretaste of immortality when he encountered Jesus in a miraculous catch of fish. He was completely blown away and all he could say to Jesus was, ‘Leave me, Lord; I am a sinful man.’ He realized that his ambition was too small and Jesus’ ambition is bigger. Jesus turned him from a fisherman to a fisherman of men. Jesus channelled what he was good at to a higher purpose. Pray that your mind should be expanded and that you are able to see that you are called to a much bigger vocation even in the things you are good at.




  1. Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift of this new day. I praise you and worship you.

  2. Thank you for revealing Your love to me. Help me to love You with an undivided heart.

  3. To seek you in all things and find all things in You.

  4. Take possession of my soul and keep me faithful to You, all the days of my life. Amen.

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