Today’s Readings:
Philemon 7-20
Psalm 146:7-10
Luke 17:20-25
Is a new heaven and new earth possible? You know when the scriptures talk about the coming of the kingdom of God, we think of it as a utopian world—a place without evil, war, hunger, illness and so on. As much as we want to believe that such a world is possible, I think the first step towards achieving such a feat is that we have within us a heart of love, a heart that cares, one that is compassionate, that seeks the good of everyone, a heart that considers the other person another self, an equal, not somebody to trample upon, or lord over, to make you feel inferior or inadequate. We all want a world where everyone is respected, appreciated, affirmed and get what they need. That is a world that is close to the ideal. Such a world is possible, according to Saint Paul, only when we have a new heart in us.
“I will not add any mention of your own debt to me, which is yourself. Well then, brother, I am counting on you, in the Lord; put new heart into me, in Christ.” (Philemon 20)
The ability to “put new heart into” others is by first of all having the heart of Christ yourself. To put it quite simply, the kingdom of God on earth is to have the heart of Christ, a heart that loves, that is selfless, that considers others as important as yourself, not less important, not looking at others as persons to trample or throw under the bus. So, this should cause you to reflect on your life and character and ask, “How often do I trample others or betray them knowingly or unknowingly?” Have you ever wondered why that perfect relationship suddenly ended? What happened, were you responsible in some way?
We all are responsible for the world as it is and are stakeholders in the world that we want to live in. It must be a concerted effort, with all hands on deck.
Leaders should earn the trust of their followers and channel the common vision for others to follow.
Followers ought to trust their leaders and work with them.
Be a useful part of the change you desire.
Spread the warmth of God’s presence, joy and peace to those around you.
Be charitable to others instead of waiting on people’s charity.
Put a smile of someone’s face with a text or a gift.
Do not brag about how mean, wicked and rebellious you are.
Celebrate the goodness that is possible when the heart of Christ reigns in you.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
May God's kingdom dawn in your heart, fill you with peace of mind, chase away loneliness and pain and use you to bring peace and consolation to others through Christ our Lord. Amen.