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Writer: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe



1 Timothy 2:1-8

Psalm 28:2,7-9

Luke 7:1-10


In their most recent communique, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria wrote: “We urge government to address the defective structures that deepened inequality and poverty…to create enabling environment for the creation of more jobs for our teeming youth…We reject the ever-increasing scandalous comfort and remuneration of elected leaders to the detriment of the poor…One who has moral integrity does the right thing always, takes responsibility for his or her actions, treats others with respect and is honest. These qualities are necessary for rebuilding a strong and cohesive society. Unfortunately, our country is in serious deficit of moral rectitude which is demonstrated in increasing corruption, cyber-crime and other forms of criminality, blatant lies and dishonesty…"

"To reverse moral decline in our country, we call for integral formation. We urge parents to be alive to their responsibilities by word and example in raising their children according to ethical values. As a Church we are committed, more than ever before, to the catechetical formation of all our faithful...We equally call on our youth to have renewed faith in God and abide by good moral principles in their daily life, since they are the driving force that determines the future and hope of the nation.”

Here are a few points for reflection:

  • Morality is the rightness or wrongness of an action in keeping with good conscience. But when people’s consciences are badly formed or they see the wrong values celebrated and rewarded, they begin to question their values or even causes them to change.

  • For the moral pendulum to swing in favour of what is right, there has to be a fundamental shift in the heart of each person. We need to make a personal decision to commit to our ultimate well-being which involves giving an account of our actions to God in the end.

  • Morality must become more valuable than money. Right now, the reverse is the case. Where a person’s financial status is more important than their moral integrity, there will always be an imbalance of power and misplacement of priority.

  • Never underestimate the power of good example and prayer. Good example shows others that they are on the right path. Prayer hands everyone and everything to God who alone can instigate conversion.

  • Everyone is everyone’s responsibility. Selfishness (the inability to see beyond your nose) causes us to use each other. But when we are concerned for the well-being of others (just like the centurion cared for his servant), our dignity shall be protected.




  1. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.

  2. Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God?

  3. But our God is in the heavens; he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.

  4. Thank you so much Lord for the gift of one more day, in Jesus name.

  5. I want to be completely made over to you. My heart, mind, soul and body is yours. Use me for your mighty works, in Jesus name.

  6. O Lord our God, lead my life to a glorious fulfilment, in Jesus name.

  7. By Your mighty power Lord, bind every spirit of prayerless, discouragement and vainglory in the body of Christ, in Jesus name.

  8. Father, render impotent all forces of darkness hinder the move of Your power in our nation, in Jesus name. Amen.



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