Today’s Readings:
2 John 4-9
Psalm 119:1-2,10-11,17
Luke 17:26-37
Love is the ultimate code. I know that it has been said so many times that it has become boring. Love is made the culprit for a lot of pretence and selfishness out there. Today, we celebrate Saint Albert the Great (1200-1280) and he says something about love that you should bear in mind. For Albert the Great, to love is to fix your mind on the subject of your love and not to be bothered with any other concerns. If God is the subject of your love, then you will learn true love in prayer.
Here are some things that you can learn about love:
Purify your conscience: Be free from sin and sinful tendencies.
Humble yourself: Dispose yourself to learn from God.
Forgive past hurts: Otherwise, you will bring to God the biases of unrequited love.
Keep God’s commandments: There is no love where there are no set boundaries and rules.
St Isidore says: “If we do what the Lord commands, we will without doubt obtain what we ask
Reconcile with those you have hurt: You cannot say you love God and are guilty of breaking someone’s heart.
Before you ask a favour, search your heart and see where there is an obstacle to true love.
St Albert the Great: “Personal recollection is accomplished by gathering within oneself the thoughts and emotions which run wild”.
Focus your attention on God and Him alone. Forget anything else when you are with God.
Create a place to meet with God (preferably a place that is quiet and without distractions).
Be yourself with God: kneel, lift your hands, strike your breast in contrition, raise your eyes or lower it, pray with words, or keep silent, shed tears or groan silently. Whatever you do, let God be the subject of your attention.
If you adopt this approach with God and grow accustomed to remaining in His presence always, you shall never be swayed by deceivers who want to take you away from Him (2 John 6) or be so consumed by the cares of the world that the coming of Christ would take you unawares (Luke 17:33).
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Lord, I love you with all my heart. Sometimes I say that I love you but I only love the things that you can give me. Purge my heart of false and selfish love. Fill me with love of your commandments and hatred for sin and grant that I may love others in You and only do what brings me and others close to You unto eternal life. Amen.
I pray that God's love, in all its richness, be poured into your heart. May it bring healing from past traumas, restoration for the enemy's pillage and riches that last unto eternal life through Christ our Lord. Amen.