Today’s Readings:
Ephesians 4:7-16
Psalm 122:1-5
Luke 13:1-9
You are called to a higher civilisation based on the Resurrection of Christ. I love to call it the Resurrected life AKA the buttered life. In this new form of civilisation, the focus is not on what we keep for ourselves but on what we give away. Jesus says that this life is motivated by what God has done for us, unworthy as we are. God has given us life, health and well-being. He provides for us and protects us. He gives us opportunities for salvation and freedom from sin among other things, in hopes that we will repent of our many sins and treat others with love and be fruitful in good works.
Here are ten lessons from the first Glorious Mystery, “The Resurrection” on how to practice the buttered life in Christ.
Dethrone Self. Self-sacrifice is the hardest virtue to practice because everything in us wants to run away from pain and discomfort. Yet, self-denial or sacrifice is the medicine which cures the soul of every vice.
Enthrone Christ. When we dethrone ourselves, we create space for Christ to take charge of the affairs of our lives. We choose to go where He leads, to do what He says, to flee from sin and to be guided by His life of sacrificial love.
Consider others. The buttered life is really about making others comfortable, and sometimes, at our own expense. When we put others first, we inspire them to do the same. When we seek our good at other’s expense, we teach them to turn in on themselves and hurt others.
Speak the truth. State things as they are. When you are at fault, say “I am sorry” and be determined to change. When you are right, point out the faults of others with mercy.
Be vulnerable. You are not perfect. You do not know everything. Be open to correction and to being misunderstood. These are some of the ironies of life.
Value integrity. Show up on time. Do your work excellently well. Keep your promises. Let others be able to quote you. This is a sign that you are disciplined.
Be Compassionate. Learn to give others the benefit of the doubt. Learn to see things from their perspective. This act of selflessness will save you a lot of heartache and shield you from fake and pretentious people.
Forgive Quickly. Hurt and heartbreak can turn a hero into a villain overnight. Forgiveness helps us admit that we are hurt and in need of healing. It also forgives the offender since they too are hurting and in need of healing.
Live each day fully. This means that you accept good and bad situations with equal reactions. Laugh when you are joyful and cry when you are sad. But most of all, learn the lesson that God wants to teach you through your experiences.
There is no tomorrow. Do all the good you can today. Reconcile with God and with your neighbour today. Do right by your family and friends today. Tomorrow does not exist.
To surrender your life to Christ, say this prayer aloud. “Father, I acknowledge my sin against You. I repent and ask for forgiveness, in the name of Jesus. I surrender to the Lordship of Jesus. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, take control of my heart and lead me in Your path of righteousness. Thank you, Lord.”
If you said the prayer, Congratulations! Prayerfully look for a living church and meet the resident reverend, pastor or priest.
Lord, I want to be civilised in your love. Teach me to put away my selfishness and self-will. Give me grace to embrace Your love and to do all that you command. I trust in Your abiding love for me. Amen.
I pray not for ease but for squeeze as you carry your cross with grace. May everything opposed to God in your life fall asleep and may the love of Christ and His will reign supreme. God bless you always. Amen.