Today’s Readings:
Wisdom 2:23-3:9
Psalm 34:2-3,16-19
Luke 17:7-10

A Latin saying, “Agere sequitur esse” which loosely translates to, “A thing acts according to its being”. We see this in all creation. Dogs bark. Lions roar. Tigers hunt. Cheetahs are fast and eagles fly. It will be the odd thing for a creature not to act in keeping with its essence. We will question an eagle that does not fly and a dog that meows like a cat. In the same way, you as a Christian should be known by the kind of life you live because a lion cannot give birth to a goat. In fact, at the close of Mass, after the priest blesses us, he says, “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”. By saying this, he reminds us that some things are expected of us as Christians and it is by them that we shall be judged worthy of our name and worthy of our heavenly reward. So, who are you by your Christian identity?
You are:
Made in the image of God
Always at peace in God
Rich with immortality
A citizen of heaven
Blessed forever
Offered up to God as a living sacrifice (dedicated/consecrated)
Made to shine as light in the world
Called to be faithful to your relationship with God
Called to trust God with your life
Chosen by God to experience grace and mercy
Called to bless God at all times
Filled with the spirit of God
Endowed by the Holy Spirit with gifts and fruits
A servant of God and a dispenser of good things.
Remember who you are and do not be swayed by the ways of the world and the condescending voices telling you to lower your standard or to stop doing so much. You are called to serve one Master and He dwells in you and is greater than anyone or anything in the world. Stand firm and don’t give up.
Heavenly Father, remind me always that I am made for You and eternal life with You, in Jesus' name.
Let my life here on earth reflect Your glory and may all I do be in service of Your divine majesty through Christ our Lord. Amen.
May God grant me the grace to remember who I am and act in keeping with my Christian dignity through Christ our Lord. Amen.