Today’s Readings:
2 Timothy 3:1-9, Isa 29:13
“For (although) they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it (their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession). Avoid (all) such people (turn away from them). (2 Timothy 3: 5 AMP)

It is no longer news that the world is in a dangerous and precarious state. Things that were termed as taboo in Christendom are now becoming popular and acceptable practice. Both young and old are now committing sin with impunity. The quest to become rich, popular, wealthy at all costs is now the order of the day. Sexual immorality even in broad day light is no longer strange. The unfortunate thing is that the church is not excluded from these acts v5 “having a form of goodliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them” (NIV). Christians are now living a loose life and are no longer conscious of the demand of their ministry. The fear of God is becoming scare everywhere.
There is serious bleeding in the heart of Apostle Paul as he charged his spiritual son Timothy. He revealed to him the warning signal of the end time. This charge to Timothy, is a call to everyone to personally examine his/her relationship with God. It is also a challenge to know that appearing to be holy is not what God expects from a true believer in Christ but, the fruit of godliness which must be visible in your life on a daily basis.
You must understand that church activities as good as it is, is not a perfect substitute for holiness. However, God requires living a life free from sin and pollution of the world. Are you appearing to be godly in your speech but your actions refute your confessions? Are you still paying lip service to God while your heart is far away from Him? (Isa 29:13). Attending church services, knowing the doctrines, following the traditions can make a person look good to the world, but if the inner attitudes of belief, love, are lacking, the outer appearance is meaningless. Paul wants us not to be like people who appear to be Christians but are morally deficient.
Remember on the last day, you will be judged, not just by your activities but your inner motives for the activities. Where have you missed it? Ask God to purge and make you clean and pure within and without.
Father help me to reflect Your glory all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name.
Father help me not to fall victim of the danger of the end time, in Jesus’ name.
Father give me the grace not to be unequally yoked with the world, in Jesus’ name.
Father make Your Church a good example to the world that is filled with darkness, in Jesus’ name.
Father come in Your power and establish Your kingdom in our nation, in Jesus’ name.