Today’s Reading:
Psalm 126; Exodus 12:21-22; John 11:45-57
It is apparently known that there will always be an oasis in a desert. When there is commotion and affliction, there must be a place somewhere to secure protection. There is a place to receive life except if someone has not yet sought, located, seen and embraced the source of that protection (Matt. 7:7-8). Death and destruction are general to humankind but there is a narrow way to creep out of it. The narrow way does not look good, it has not been appreciated by some people as they do not believe the way leads to freedom.
It has been revealed in the scripture that there is life in the blood as Leviticus recorded it. The sprinkling a lamb’s blood secured life for the people of Israel in Egypt; this happened when people obeyed the precepts of God. They would have been inflicted by destruction if they did not obey God’s direction or instruction. The blood cannot be poured if a lamb has not died. Jesus Christ the Messiah uses death to conquer death (Heb. 2:14). It is through death of a man that the life of Christ lives in a man; the death of Christ is at the centre of human’s redemption. Therefore, man should experience death in order to live; and when he lives Christ lives in him (Gal. 2:20).
God, thank You for Your death which earned Salvation for my life, in Jesus’ name.
Father Lord, put self to death in my life, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, do not let Your death be of no value to my life, in Jesus’ name.
Father, let Your life resuscitate the Gospel of truth in every nook and cranny of this nation, in Jesus’ name.
Father, let Your life penetrate the lives of our leaders (Political, Traditional and Religion) in this nation, in Jesus’ name.