Today’s Reading:
James 5:1-6

James brings harsh condemnation against greedy rich people. He talks on how some people trust in their arrogance and make their own plans which do not include the Lord Jesus. He condemned trust in riches instead of in God. Not only trust in their riches, but have obtained their wealth at the expense of others.
James has certainly not been afraid to call out those who are part of the Church for living as if they are not part of the Church and out-rightly condemned their acts and said Greed leads to misery. James is telling his readers, “Listen, misery is coming upon you because you have sinfully sought your own pleasure and have rejected God’s ways. He also says that all that you have will fade away and is even now fading away.
The sinful pursuit of riches for self-dependency and self-pleasure will fail us all. We ought to turn to God in humility. This has been James’ message all along for the then generation and to our generation by extension generations to come.
James is again calling us to live as genuine followers of Jesus. Let us all seek Him and seek to walk in the new way of life to which He has called us.
Father, I bless Your holy name because Your anger last but for a moment, and Your favour for a lifetime, in Jesus name.
My Father, I thank You for You are my counsellor, in Jesus name.
Father help me to constantly flee from sin and to humbly pursue Jesus.
Help me to stand against greed and never experience miseries in the name of Jesus
O Lord, give the body of Christ boldness and rugged faith to stand for You in all situation, in Jesus name.
Lord, use the situation in our nation to populate the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name.
Blood of Jesus speak peace and harmony of purpose unto every area of our nation, in Jesus name
Every weapon of war prepared by the enemies of this nation, be destroyed by the blood of Jesus.