Today’s Reading:
Heb. 11:8-16 (v. 1)
"Now FAITH is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality - faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]" (v.1 AMPV)
The heroes of our faith all attested to the value of walking with God by faith. They all make up the 'cloud of witnesses' (12:1) who give powerful testimony to the Hebrews and to all believers today, THAT: we all should come to faith in God's truth in Christ Jesus (vv. 1-40).
Faith is the foundation for our Christian living and the means by which all unseen things are evidenced. Faith is our belief that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to redeem us from the power of sin and powers of darkness. It is acting on what God has revealed about his will and plan for us all, and about his character. It is our trust and confidence in the promises of God for us in the Scriptures. The reality that sustains our faith is that God honours his word, even than his name. And this results in a life of faithfulness, endurance and perseverance. Faith is one of the essentials of our responses to the grace of God (v.6). And the result of our faith is that we are justified.
A story is told about the ship 'Endurance', trapped and crushed in the ice off the coast of Antarctica, in January 1915. The group of polar explorers led by Ernest Shackleton survived and managed to get to Elephant Island in three small lifeboats. On April 24, 1916, 22 men watched Shackleton and five comrades set out in tiny lifeboat for South Georgia, an island 800 miles away. The odds seemed impossible, and if they failed, they would all die. They were trapped in this uninhibited Island which was far from normal shipping lines, yet they had one hope in one man and his team. It was all joy when after four months later, a boat appeared on the horizon with Shackleton on its bow shouting, "Are you all well"? And the call came back, "All safe! All we!"
This is an example of great faith the writer of the book of Hebrews is teaching us. What held those men together and kept them alive through those months, was the faith and hope placed in one man.
The faith and hope of our heroes of faith was placed in the substance of things hoped for, and evidence of things not seen, which kept them going through great affliction, opposition, persecution, oppression, difficulties, trials and temptations (v.1).
As we look out this morning upon the horizon of the many challenges, trials, problems, battles of life confronting us, let us not despair, but look on to Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Let us have courage and hope in the assurance that Jesus loves us. He is very much concerned for our wellbeing. He gave up his life that we may live. This hope and assurance in Jesus Christ shine more brighter, even on our darkest moments.
Olufunmilayo Titilola Adekusibe
Father, thank you for the promise of forgiveness of my sin through Jesus Christ. May this promise lighten the darkness in my life, in Jesus name.
Father, create in me a pure heart, renew a right, humble and teachable spirit within me, in Jesus name.
Father, that I may know Christ and experience the power of His Resurrection, in Jesus name.
Father uproot everything you have not planted in your church and revive your Pentecostal power and fire in Jesus name.
Father, thank you for sustaining the nation with your mighty presence. Bulldoze and destroy strongholds of wickedness and revive your work. Let there be love, peace, harmony of purpose and progress in Jesus name.