Today’s Readings:
Acts 8:5-8,14-17
Psalm 66:1-7,16,20
1 Peter 3:15-18
John 14:15-21

I lost both my parents within eight years and that taught me some things about the reality of death, the brevity of life and the beauty of faith. Death is inevitable but it is not the end. Jesus communicated his passing to his disciples by saying, “I will not leave you orphans” (John 14:18). Jesus didn’t emphasise his departure because death is not the end as we want to think. By his death, Jesus destroyed our death and by rising restored us to life. In Baptism, we received new life. In confirmation, we received the fullness of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. Those who die in friendship with Christ, are truly alive. For them, death is a passage to a permanent and enduring life.
Life is long but the life hereafter is eternal. It is a privilege and a gift to have tasted breath and lived even for a day. But we take life for granted after living for a number of years. The only thing that jolts us back to gratitude for life is the passing of a loved one. We gather to shed a few tears, regret missed opportunities to say how much we love them and are sober for a few days at most and then we are off to the dizzying business of simply existing. This is not wise. The Psalmist prays: "Lord, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). Use the little time you have to build your relationship with God, develop yourself, love your family, make friends, make good memories, reconcile with enemies and mend broken relationships.
The faith we have is beautiful. Our belief in the Resurrection of Christ is what keeps us from slipping into despair. If this world is all we are living for, then death is a tragic exit and those who have gone before us are the most fortunate. But death is not the end and our faith teaches us that “when our earthly dwelling lies in death, we gain an everlasting dwelling place in heaven”. So, in all that you acquire, put your faith first. Not your job, not your career, not your relationship with him or her or chasing after fame and money. As beautiful as all these things are, they find their meaning only as means to our ultimate end which is heaven.
Some things to keep in mind:
God loves you. He is with you always. You are never alone in your situation no matter what it is;
Have a relationship with the Holy Spirit (the Advocate). Begin each day by inviting Him to fill your heart and guide your actions;
Take your faith seriously. Study God’s word and frequent the Sacraments. Consciously grow in your understanding of who God is and your relationship with Him by keeping His commandment of love;
Appreciate everyone as a gift. God has placed them in your life as a gift and a lesson;
Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you and ask the forgiveness of those you have hurt;
Spend your brief time on earth loving others and doing good.
You become what you hate when you treat others how they treat you.
Lord Jesus, thank You for never leaving us to our devices, in Jesus' name.
Send the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, into our hearts, in Jesus name.
Let His abiding presence transform our hearts, renew our minds and guide our actions on the path of wisdom and love, in accordance with Your divine will, in Jesus' name.