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Writer: Olufunmilayo AdekusibeOlufunmilayo Adekusibe


Today’s Readings:

Isaiah 58:9-14

Psalm 86:1-6

Luke 5:27-32


I COULD NOT HELP but notice the difference between what Saint Luke observes and what the scribes and Pharisees saw at the dinner which Levi (Saint Matthew) held in honour of Jesus. Here is how Luke reported it: “In his honour Levi held a great reception in his house, and with them at table was a large gathering of tax collectors AND OTHERS. The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples and said, ‘Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors AND SINNERS?’. WHILE LUKE REPORTED that Jesus and his disciples dined with other human persons, the religious leaders could not look past their moral state. What is the first thing you see when you look at others?

WE ARE OFTEN TEMPTED to put people in boxes. We define people by their:

  • Economic status – rich or poor

  • Race – white or black

  • Religious background – Christian or not

  • Ethnicity – Our people or their people

  • Political leaning – Us and them

  • Sexual preferences – sexy or unappealing.

SUCH LABELS underlie a myopic understanding of the dignity of each person. We are first God’s children (the sum total of His love for us) before we are any label, we or others impose on ourselves. Often, we respond to what people say about us more than who God has created us to be. When we lose sight of God’s love for us, we end up hurting and manipulating others for our selfish benefits. JESUS DID NOT COME FOR THE SELF-RIGHTEOUS. They have no need of Him. He came for the sinner who knew they needed Jesus. They admit that they are lost, weak and need to rediscover their God-given beauty. Do you need Jesus in your life? You can be a channel of grace and healing for others.

HOW DO YOU VIEW PEOPLE? Do not be judgmental. It is evil and selfish to constantly debase or use others for your own selfish gains. You will certainly treat others differently if you consider them your brothers and sisters in the Lord. You will show them respect and see it as your duty to lead them closer to God if you truly love them. Like Levi the tax collector, look out for opportunities to lead others to God. Your family members, friends, colleagues at the office, the person you are dating or no longer dating all need the healing touch of Christ. And so do you.




  1. Lord, heal me of the wounds of sin and selfishness. Help me to bring others to experience your healing touch through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  2. Create in me O Lord, a pure heart, and renew a right and teachable spirit within me, in Jesus name.

  3. Lord meet Christian families at the points of their need, in Jesus name.

  4. O Lord have mercy on our nation Nigeria, in Jesus name.



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